Saturday, May 15, 2010

More Fun with Spelling

So I was covering one of Ken's classes this week and I decided since it was a very small class, only four students were there, to play Scrabble with them. It worked pretty well in the end. While there's definitly an opportunity in Scrabble to make really difficult words it also works pretty well with a lot of simpler words. I didn't let the students use dictionaries or anything and right up until the end of the game I never had to make any words for them. I did have to make the last few but they had gotten somewhat harder at that point. I didn't win the game, though I did make the winning word for the person who did win, but it was a lot of fun. I think the best word one of the sutdents came up with was "fake," with a fairly hard to use letter "k" on a double letter score. We didn't really play with challenges either as I wanted the students to take more chances making words, so if what they made wasn't right they just took it back and tried again. I think the students had a pretty good time, and may have even learned a word or two, which is all you can really hope for, so it was a good event in the end. What would be really interesting is if I had some sort of giant wall size scrabble board so I could play with a whole class, but then again I don't have any oral English classes this semester anyways.


Lori said...

I'll bet "teeny", "mode". "grid" and "lam" were all you! (?) Great idea~

Deb Bruno said...

Wait, you lost at Scrabble to some Chinese students?