Sunday, May 27, 2012


The last time I wrote about the weather I was complaining that it was raining for days or even weeks without a break. Now the weather in Guangzhou has changed a lot. It still rains, actually it may rain more than it did before, but it comes and goes in spurts. It will go from relatively clear, between the smog and humidity it's almost never perfectly clear, to raining in only an hour or two. The rains are also much more intense tropical affairs. The upside of this is that if the weather is bad I only have to wait a few hours for it to improve. What's harder to do is my laundry. If it's clear out with the heat everything will dry in one day. But if it rains hard and is overcast things may actually get wetter sitting out on the line. What I've taken to doing is handing things outside for a day or two then taking the inside to finish drying, with the air on it's relatively dry in my apartment. It also means that I carry my umbrella with me everywhere since even if it looks like a nice day I don't know what the weather will be like in a few hours. I guess the same could be said for China.


Deb Bruno said...

It never rains in Beijing.

bob davis said...

we're off to yunan next week, where it does rain, and we need contingency plans