I've been filling out forms to get a visa for India today with Ken and I can't get over how much I hate it when countries don't just offer on arrival visas. Ken pointed out that that means that I hate the US, but it is part of the reason we have so many stupid forms and extra fees is that the US imposes these sort of restrictions on other countries. On the other hand we are good tourists spending are money all over the place so maybe some of these countries could do a little more to let us in. Countries in the region which we helped out a lot like South Korea of Taiwan don't even require a visa and the same goes for places we beat like Japan. Thailand is just a laid back place and they essentially do on arrival visas too. For those who don't know I'm going to Thailand and then to India this winter as I have ten weeks off beginning Christmas day. We are going to have a Christmas banquet some time next week and we will probably do some caroling after that. We also are talking about do some sort of joke gift exchange, the goyim here use the term "White Elephant," though I've never heard it before. When I was filling out the forms for India though on all the forms was a place where I had to either list my father's or my husbands name. Ken's comment was that it was pretty patriarchal, I thought it was more Medieval going back to a time when people were known by a given name then as the son of so and so. So while I'm in India I don't want to be know as Daniel Davis, I want to be Daniel son of Robert. Sounds more biblical or something. The India forms also asked us for an itinerary, which is funny since we don't have any plans more than the fact that we are flying into and out of Delhi. I was looking through the Lonely Planet India book and it has so many cool pictures off places there that I think we might want to just go to all the places pictured in the book. I told Ken that I don't care what we see as long as at some point during our time there I get to ride on top of a train, that's really my only goal for India.
When I hear news reports that some guy named Daniel Son of Robert has had his head lopped off by riding on top of a train, I'll know who that is.
today's word that I learned from reading your blog? "goyim" =)
Oy. I'll leave Daniel to explain to Sarah from goyim. Though her first name would lead me to think she sould know from such things. Anyway, please leave the name of the ashram where we can find you and ken after the school reports you missing.
Daniel son of Robert and Ken son of Todd will not go missing, just maybe have a hard landing when we jump off before a tunnel. No need to worry.
I blame all this on Slumdog Millionaire, which made it look almost fun.
signed, the goyim Mom
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