Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What Do You Want to Know?

Well I've been on a big posting kick recently but what I'm really curious about is what you want to know more about. Sometimes when I'm talking to people in the US they'll have questions that I just never thought of or ask about stuff that has become somewhat common place to me but is still interesting if you're not here all the time. So I'm asking for some comments on this blog item to tell me what sort of things you'd be interested in hearing more about. If you've never commented before, and I know by what I hear and what I see on my trackers that there are some people who never comment, it's really quite easy since I have anonymous comments turned on, just go down and post a questions or an area you want to know about, and I promise to get to it soon.


Sarah Sanderson said...

differences between jiangsu and xinjiang: people, daily life, their opinions on life/China

Deb Bruno said...

Your daily routine? And how's the bike riding going?

bob davis said...

i'd like to know more about how the uighurs and han get along. I don't understand the segregation. i'd also like to know what you think the school expects of you in this regard, and how the kids regard each other.