Yesterday the weather finally started to get cold. Actually it got a little cold once before but then it just returned to summer weather in like 3 days. But Looking at the forecast on Google it looks like it will be remaining mostly cold from here on out. At least on up side of this is that I'll finally be able to sleep. The way they had been doing the air conditioning, on in the days off at night, basically meant that as soon as I wanted to sleep it was too hot to. It's also not really an option to keep my window open much as even at night there's a ton of background light from the school including one light from the library under construction that must be basically pointed at this building. For some reason my room seem to retain a ton of heat. Even though it was pretty cold out today by the time I got up at 11 my bedroom was pretty warm and my living room was down right hot. The students didn't wait for it to get cold before dressing for winter. As soon as the temperature dipped down slightly they pulled out the pants and jackets and haven't shied off them since. Even when it got really hot again I didn't see any wearing shorts. In fact in one of my classes a student asked how come I was wearing summer cloths in October, all I could think of is that it's hot out. The other thing I find really amazing is that to find the weather I just type in "weather" and "changzhou" into Google. Nothing about that is amazing on its own I guess, that's pretty much exactly how I'd find the weather in DC, but I'm not in DC. I'm half way around the world, almost literally here I think if you drilled a hole from Changzhou through the middle of the earth you'd come out somewhere in the Atlantic, and I still just pull up Google to find out what the forecast is. No matter how different things may seem there are just a lot of little similarities between life here and life back home. Though to be fair there's probably some one some where in Beijing keeping a record of how many people Google the weather.
1 comment:
Your students must think it's funny to see you walking around in shorts!
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