Monday, October 13, 2008


It's pretty odd to find out that something I ate might have been recalled. What's even more odd was the way I found out about it. First it's not like the make this information so available, if there wasn't so much coverage of the recall in the US papers I'm not sure what I would know about it. But I thought I was playing it pretty safe. What happened was some farmers under pressure to up the quality of there milk starting putting illegal chemicals in it that make it appears to contain more iron but the chemicals also have some nasty effects on the kidney. In babies some of these effects have been fatal. In adults there hasn't been anything like that for several reasons. First, adults eat and drink a lot of things while small babies just pretty much drink milk. Second, the adult immune system is stronger, apparently the worst thing an adult can get from this is pretty much kidney stones. And it's not as if I've been downing milk by the gallon I just didn't realize that some of the chocolate I've been eating may have been recalled. If this was a US recall they'd have the exact product numbers of everything that's been recalled, and everything even similar pulled from shelves. But here that's not so much the case. I though that this chocolate would contain little milk and that the recall was mostly limited to baby formula. The way I found out different is pretty strange in it's own right. I logged into flickr the other day to manage some of my pictures from the opening ceremony thing only to discover that I had a message. Apparently some thing called Now Public, which as far as I can tell is some sort of citizen run media outlet has been maintaining a list of products recalled. What's more they wanted to add pictures so somehow using the power of the internet found the picture I took, at the top of this post now, of the Dove chocolate. I thought when i first saw the message that he wanted my picture of the milk in Wal-mart it wasn't until I looked through the story that I realized that there is a recall of "DOVE MILK CHOCOLATE" which is pretty damn unspecific since there are probably a hundred Dove chocolate products, also technically what I bought was dark chocolate. I wonder if my preference for dark chocolate saved me?

1 comment:

Mom said...

And now you have an ad for chocolate on your web site -- see how it works?