Two days ago when I had dinner with Lake and Niel they both thought that there was going to be a big sand storm soon due to the recent warm, dry weather. When it gets particularly dry, I'm told, it's easier for the top layer of sand to blow off, and when it gets warm the eventual change in temperature creates a lot of wind to blow the sand off the desert. Well, low and behold, today it's really sandy out. Still not as bad as when my dad was here and we could barely open our eyes, but significant non the less. I just hope it doesn't knock out the power, there have been more small outages after the annoying long one, though thankfully none have come at night where I would have no choice but to go to bed since it would be pitch black. The biggest problem with the sand is that it takes away the nice warm middle of the day, which is mostly due to the sun shine. I'm not complaining too much through it's certainly interesting and different, and as long as I'm not caught outside during it not too much of a problem.
whatever you see will be coming my way in beijing a couple of days later, I bet.
Do you get sand forecasts the way we get rain forecasts in the U.S.?
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