I'm declaring today to be the first real day of spring in Alaer. It's around 80 during the middle of the day now, though at night it still drops to around 50. That's living in the desert though we get really big day/night temperature swings. What's really odd is how cold my apartment still is. It's easily at least 10 degree colder inside than outside during the middle of the day. I think a lot of that has to do with my first floor apartment not getting that much direct sunlight. Even this morning when I got up I was using the heater in my computer room for a while. But it's not just the temperature that makes it feel like spring. The trees, and part of the grass is actually turning green. Some of the first bugs and birds are also slowing making there return, though I could do without the mosquitoes. I think there may be some more sand storms still to come but we haven't had one in a while now, and at least for today, the weather is perfect.
Can you open windows to bring in warm air, or would that just bring in mosquitoes?
Green, huh? Great!
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