Monday, September 1, 2008

Food Glorious Food

This was not a good idea. My stomach was already too upset before we went out drinking in a park somewhere. Drinking always upsets my stomach a little but when you add all the weird food and beer from god knows where I felt terrible all of today. This does though bring me to something I've only talked about a little which is what the food. I knew going in that the food wasn't going to be that much like Chinese food in the States, actually I'm told Cantonese food is sort of similar, but I had no idea how different it would be. The only thing Chinese food in China has to do with Chinese food in the US is that they both involve meat and rice. Besides the obvious like things we just don't really eat here, duck feet and donkey, the food is just much more spicy, much more greasy, and much more flavorful then you'd expect. Actually the thing I find myself most craving is some blander tasting food, like a sandwich or cold cereal.

We've actually been to some pretty good restaurants including one really good tofu place that just shows you exactly how much better the Chinese are with tofu then Americans. It had better flavors and much more appealing consistencies then you'd find in American tofu. But the sort of amerage food you find is just sort of a big jumble or rice and a ton of spicy flavors. I've found a few sort of American things at the college including Oreos and fried chicken sandwiches but it's pretty hard to find. I realized the other day that I'll be able to make mashed potatoes since the market down the street sells potatoes right off the farm and even though it's heat treated, read terrible, there is milk around. I'm sure I can find salt and butter and that's basically what you need for mashed potatoes. The Wall-mart in town apparently sells more American food like cold cuts, but I bet there the most expensive slices of turkey you've ever seen.

I got a tracker set up for this blog which is pretty cool I can sort of see information about who's looking, for example I can see at least one person is viewing the blog from a Mac. Also someone asked about the new pictures, I just had to update the link so you should be able to see all the new pictures now.


Mom said...

Great pictures! Have you figured out how to use the washer/dryer yet? It's so strange to see all of your stuff in the apartment. The fried chicken does look yummy! I hope your stomach is feeling better...have you found a store that sells pepto???

Anonymous said...

Feel good......