Friday, May 1, 2009

Goal Number One

When Ken and Dave came to China they decided that their first goal was to be able to develop a taste for Baijou. Now about seven months later they've finally given up the ghost. It's not just that Baijou is horrible, horrible tasting stuff, but it seems to effect you weirdly. The hangovers you get from it seems worse then what you get from normal liquor. After poker night last night me and Ken sat around for a while drinking Baijou and juice, which even after two Gin and Tonics was hard to drink due to the taste, Baijou has the amazing ability to drown out the taste of whatever you mix it with. I've drank enough Baijou and Coke that whenever I try to drink Coke normally now I get afait whiff of Baijou, so I think Coke is permenantly ruined for me. After waking up today I had a splitting headache. Not that that is such an unusual result of drinking too much but it was much stronger than would make sence from the amount I drank. Even in the evening more than 18 hours since I drank Baijou I've still been fealing a little sick from it. I don't know exactly what it is but that stuff is poison. Ken's also decided that learning Chinese, a feat somewhere between unbelieveably hard and impossible, is in fact much easier than continuing to drink Baijou. I've drank a lot of wierd stuff before including something that tasted like fish in Vietnam, but nothing is as bad as Baijou.

On an interesting and somewhat related note I wanted to add a picture of Baijou here but aparently Google image search is somehow a threat to the Comunist party.


Mom said...

I can't help but think you guys are poisoning yourself with that stuff! Stay away!

bob davis said...

I guess that's why it's not a big export item.

Ken F said...

I would really like to see your dad convince the Asian office of the WSJ to run a story about the impossibility of marketing baijiu anywhere but China.