Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cold and Flu Season

It seems like its cold and flu season in China as a besides myself a bunch of my students seemed sick. In one class when there was a quiet period I could here a bunch of students sniffling and in another class one guy had a cough worse then mine. Given that I'm already sick I hope that I have whatever the kids have so I can't get it again. Feeling bad all day really made my temper pretty short with the students. There were at least two times I yelled at them where I probably wouldn't have if I felt better. It's not that they didn't deserve it but I was just in a worse mood then usual. I feel like I want to run around with one of those face masks on though I doubt that they would actually anything. It looks like were going to be doing some sort of Thanksgiving pot luck and I'm going to make mash potatoes which is fine though it takes a lot of potatoes to make mash potatoes for like 12 people.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I'm sorry that everyone is sick! Enjoy your TG potluck and we'll call you! Smudge says she misses you!!!!!