Sunday, November 30, 2008

Long Weekend

Even though it's Sunday night here it doesn't really feel like the start of the week. On Mondays I usually have two classes one from 8am-10am and another from 2pm-4pm. But last week was the end of the early class. Why a class would run for such a short time, and why I didn't have to give them a test remains a mystery, but at the last meeting I asked to make sure that the class did in fact end last week. In fact there are only five weeks left in the semester counting the week at the end where I'm supposed to give some sort of test. So tomorrow I only have a class from 2-4 then on Tuesday I only have a class from 2-5 normally, plus I don't really have to do much preparation since I have things left over from what I thought up last week, so this is basically two more days I get off before I have six and five hours on Wendsday and Thursday respectively. It's nice to have some time off after traveling last weekend and being sick last week, though I was woken up at 8 this morning by some sort of construction that sounded like they were doing it five feet from my window despite the fact I'm on the 14th floor.


Mom said...

So what happens to the class you weren't able to test?

Mom said...

So what happens to the class you weren't able to test?