Monday, October 12, 2009

Please Don't Run Over Me

Well that brings me to the end of my first year in China. I can't really seem to decide if the time went slow or fast. It seems so soon for a whole year to be over but on the other hand all the things I did I don't know how I fit that much in. In the end I'm mostly just glad that I did come to China. I didn't have any idea at all what to expect before I came here and it's been such a wonderful experience. The people have all been so friendly and interesting there have been so many trips and things to do, and I may have the single best job in the world. I don't know why anyone would want to run away and join the circus. People need to run away and teach in China. I don't have much work I get along great with the students and they pay me a lot for where I am. I almost couldn't imagine being back in the US this whole time I've been able to go and do so many crazy and fun things that being back where things make sense just seems sort of boring. Around school my favorite things have all been about the students. Things like the Halloween party or any of the random things that go on around campus have all been so much fun. Even just teaching the classes and getting to know the students has been a blast. Traveling my favorite thing I think was just laying out on the beeches in Vietnam in the middle of the coldest part of the winter.

I mostly just love how odd things are here. There are just innumerable examples of things just being crazy. From walking around a stadium while people clapped to judging a speech competition that was entirely in Chinese it seems like every day things are just more and more strange. I'd also like to thank everyone who's been reading my blog. I know I'm not always regular but I love to hear all the comments and just to know people are sharing in what I'm doing and keeping tabs on me. It was a great year and this year has started off great as well. I can't recommend enough to anyone with a year or so to kill the fun of coming to China. I loved it, and despite some close calls, I still haven't been run over.


Chen said...

Actually I'm expecting your crazy Christmas activity this year~~~

Mom said...

What a nice summary of the year!

bob davis said...

We have missed you a lot back home. But you gave us a great place to travel to. And you found a terrific place to spend some time. You're right; you do have a great job.

Taylor said...

Just chiming in to say that I'm really enjoying the blog, and very glad you're having such an awesome time in China.