Thursday, September 16, 2010

Every Day in Every Way

Well things are getting a little better with classes. I had my to toughest classes yesterday and a mix of easier activities and cracking down on Chinese and Uyghur helped make the classes run much more smoothly. I got a great e-mail from Sarah about how the school in Changzhou is requiring her to retest all the students she failed, and they basically said they didn't want any of them to fail this time. It's just a really great example of the Chinese attitude on these things. They've turned the schools into such factories, the rate at which college education has expanded in China in the last 10-15 years is enormous, that it's just easier for everyone if people are just passed along. I had a student last semester whose grade I just left blank since she was almost never in class and didn't come to the final. I didn't fail her because she was essentially doing something for the school, working at the Shanghai Expo, but you have to actually attend s a few of my classes to pass. I'm sure the school just filled in whatever grade they wanted, but at least I did what I could.


Deb Bruno said...

Poor Sarah! At least you don't have that problem.

Sarah Sanderson said...

Your old Shanghai student also has to meet with me on Sunday night to "review" past material and "take" the exam. Boo.

bob davis said...

so DC public schools aren't the only place for grade inflation.

Unknown said...

The George Bush in me is concerned about this soft bigotry of low expectations.